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Behind-the-Scenes Interview with the Red Tent Movie filmmaker
#womensspirituality #WomensEmpowerment #women #redtenttemplemovement #womanspace #IsadoraGabrielleLeidenfrost #redtentmovie #anitadiamant...

Bringing the World into the Red Tent and the Red Tent into the World
Dr. Isadora doing a radio interview by Jayleigh Lewis March 2014 was a month of expansion for the Red Tent movie: Things We Don’t Talk...

Red Tent Rituals Falling Like Soft Grace over Women’s Lives
By Jayleigh Lewis February 2014 was another light traveling month for Isadora, filmmaker of the Red Tent Movie: Things We Don’t Talk...

Death, red tent movie screenings, and plans…
by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD My goal was to do 400 screenings of “Things We Don’t Talk About” in 2 years. I am more than half...

Recent Screenings: From New York City to the Deep South
By Jayliegh Lewis As the days grew shorter and colder this November, Red Tent movie screenings created havens of warmth and community....

September and October Movie Screenings Showcase Healing, Celebration, and Inspiration
By Jayleigh Lewis Screenings of the Red Tent movie, Things We Don’t Talk About, continued throughout September and October 2013,...

September Screenings in Southern, CA
By Jayleigh Lewis September was a busy month for the Red Tent movie, Things We Don’t Talk About; 17 screenings were held in a variety of...

Happy 1st Birthday to the film!
On September 15, 2012 “Things We Don’t Talk About: Women’s Stories from the Red Tent” premiered in Northampton, MA and was released to...

How did the Red Tent movement begin?
By Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD The Book To begin this analysis of Red Tents, it is important to define what the Red Tent is. First...

Creativity was in abundance at August screenings
by Jayleigh Lewis Creativity was in abundance at screenings of the Red Tent movie, Things We Don’t Talk About, during the first weekend...

Help! I don’t know how to start a Red Tent or Host a Screening
by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD If you have found yourself inspired by the Red Tent movement or have seen “Things We Don’t Talk...

The Red Tent Movie premiere’s in Colorado
by Jayleigh Lewis Women gathered to create Red Tent spaces in two locations in Colorado on July 20th and 21st 2013, hosting screenings of...

Video clip
#redtenttemplemovement #redtentdocumentary #IsadoraGabrielleLeidenfrost #redtentmovie #thingswedonttalkabout #videoofthemonthclub
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