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How to Celebrate Menstruation
How would our world be different if girls were raised to honor their menstrual time? How would our world be different if our girls had...

Menstrual Hut and Moon Lodge History
Menstrual hut and moon lodge traditions show us that the Red Tent has a history: The idea of a separate women’s space or menstrual hut is...

A Moon Lodge is…
Lakota moon lodges provided women with a respite from their daily work, a place to learn and create together while they bled. Today’s Red...

Return To The Red Tent
by Teresa Maria Bilowus “Return To The Red Tent” was first published in Starflower Living Naturally, Issue 2, July 2014 “How might your...

An Invitation into the Red Tent (sound meditation mp3)
by Delphine Demore, PhD It is dark inside the tent, with the light muted by the enclosure. At this late afternoon hour, the entire...

A Red Tent Moment
By © 2011-2012 DeAnna L’am The ‘Red Tent’ hit a nerve. Publishe Any cycling woman knows the deep yearning for quietude during her Flow...

January Video of the Month Clip
#women #redtentdocumentary #redtentmovie #thingswedonttalkabout #menstruation #redtent #videoofthemonth
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