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How to Discuss Menstruation With Your Child
by DeAnna L’am “This is my Moon Flow,” I said to Ellah, who was about 4 at the time, when she saw me changing a pad. I never saw my Mom...

HorMoon Awareness Guide
by Leslie Botha Click here to download the HorMoon Awareness Guide A new book! Understanding Your Mind, Mood, and Hormone Cycle was...

An Invitation into the Red Tent (sound meditation mp3)
by Delphine Demore, PhD It is dark inside the tent, with the light muted by the enclosure. At this late afternoon hour, the entire...

Sacredness (The Blood Song)
a song by Shylah Ray Sunshine “Sacredness (The Blood Song)” by Shylah Ray Sunshine is featured in the closing credits of the film “Things...

Moon Time
By LuAnn Morris Magickal moon time I welcome your Power of transcendence As I take my worthy place In the rhythms of Your universe My...

A Red Tent Moment
By © 2011-2012 DeAnna L’am The ‘Red Tent’ hit a nerve. Publishe Any cycling woman knows the deep yearning for quietude during her Flow...

The Red Line
By Bethany Webster In my blood there is poetry In my blood are ancient stories You are there, too, my sister The red line all the way...

Why Is Menstruation Powerful
by DeAnna L’am In order to birth Life, we must first Menstruate! In native cultures Menstruation was known as the time when the veil...

Our Stories, Ourselves
© 2009-2012 DeAnna L’am My own transition into womanhood was painfully lacking in warmth or empowerment. How was the day of Your first...

Coming Of Age: Let Your Daughter Find Her Song
By DeAnna L’am © 2012 “Sing daughter sing Make a song And sing Beat out your own rhythms The rhythms of your life But make the song...

January Video of the Month Clip
#women #redtentdocumentary #redtentmovie #thingswedonttalkabout #menstruation #redtent #videoofthemonth

Bone Knowing: No Question
by Oceana Leblanc Something I know in my body has placed me around the picture that I witness being colored and splashed, and painted...
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