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A story of Pregnancy & Death
I’m 24 weeks pregnant and it’s a girl! And she is living in the most fabulous Red Tent that I have ever created. The story of my...

Les Choses dont on ne parle pas
“Les Choses dont on ne parle pas : histoires de femmes sous la tente rouge” est un documentaire innovant de 72 minutes, réalisé par le Dr...

Magical Moments and Safe Spaces during Spring 2015 Red Tents and Movie Screenings
by Jayleigh Lewis Dr. Isadora’s recent travels took her to Michigan, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Wisconsin, where she attended Red Tent...

My Mother Told Me…
What messages did your mother give you about being a Woman? What messages are you offering your daughter about being a Woman? What...

Women’s History and the Red Tent Movement: Provocative Questions at Georgia Screenings
by Jayleigh Lewis From Latin American countries to college campuses, March 2015 was a lively month for screenings of the Red Tent movie,...

January and February Red Tents and Movie Screenings: Warmth and Community in the Midst of Winter
by Jayleigh Lewis Dr. Isadora, filmmaker of the Red Tent movie, Things We Don’t Talk About, resumed Red Tent hosting and film screening...

How I made my Red Tent
by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD I had a dream that I wanted every screening of “Things We Don’t Talk About” to be in a giant Red...

#TheRedTent has a history, but what is it?
The Red Tent Movement: A Historical Perspective by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD and ALisa Starkweather There are thousands of women...

Life to Life, Woman to Woman: November’s Red Tent Stories of Transformation and Connection
by Jayleigh Lewis During November 2014, travel slowed for Dr. Isadora, filmmaker of the Red Tent movie: Things We Don’t Talk About. Of...

October’s Red Tent Movie Screenings Facilitate Connections Across Distance, Gender, and Circumstance
by Jayleigh Lewis Between September 28, 2014, and October 26, 2014, Dr. Isadora, filmmaker of the Red Tent Movie: Things We Don’t Talk...

A Moon Lodge is…
Lakota moon lodges provided women with a respite from their daily work, a place to learn and create together while they bled. Today’s Red...

Movie Red Tent Event: Embracing Change
By Susan Korsnick In March 2014, twenty-three culturally diverse women, representing every decade from their teens to their seventies,...

The Red Tent Movie: Changing Women’s Lives for Two Years and Counting
by Jayleigh Lewis On September 15, 2014, the Red Tent movie, Things We Don’t Talk About, marked two years since its world premiere. In...

Return To The Red Tent
by Teresa Maria Bilowus “Return To The Red Tent” was first published in Starflower Living Naturally, Issue 2, July 2014 “How might your...

Red Tent Communities of Chicago: Tending to Home
by Jayleigh Lewis Sometimes, you don’t have to travel far to find your tribe. Sometimes, a wealth of community, sisterhood, and inspiring...

Synchronicity and Support: The Red Tent Comes to the Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference
by Jayleigh Lewis On June 6, 2014, the third annual Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference, a three-day gathering centered on plant medicine...

Has society made any progress?
by Jayleigh Lewis The Red Tent Movie, Things We Don’t Talk About, continued to expand its worldwide reach in May 2014, premiering in...

April Screenings: Family, Friends, & Leadership
by Jayleigh Lewis April 2014 was another month of travel and adventure for the Red Tent movie: Things We Don’t Talk About, and for...

Behind-the-Scenes Interview with the Red Tent Movie filmmaker
#womensspirituality #WomensEmpowerment #women #redtenttemplemovement #womanspace #IsadoraGabrielleLeidenfrost #redtentmovie #anitadiamant...

Bringing the World into the Red Tent and the Red Tent into the World
Dr. Isadora doing a radio interview by Jayleigh Lewis March 2014 was a month of expansion for the Red Tent movie: Things We Don’t Talk...
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