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Try a Red Tent Moving Meditation
The Red Tent is a great place to get out of your head and into your body, and have fun doing it! Women in Red Tents have come up with...

The Red Tent Movie: Changing Women’s Lives for Two Years and Counting
by Jayleigh Lewis On September 15, 2014, the Red Tent movie, Things We Don’t Talk About, marked two years since its world premiere. In...

Red Tent Communities of Chicago: Tending to Home
by Jayleigh Lewis Sometimes, you don’t have to travel far to find your tribe. Sometimes, a wealth of community, sisterhood, and inspiring...

Has society made any progress?
by Jayleigh Lewis The Red Tent Movie, Things We Don’t Talk About, continued to expand its worldwide reach in May 2014, premiering in...

Behind-the-Scenes Interview with the Red Tent Movie filmmaker
#womensspirituality #WomensEmpowerment #women #redtenttemplemovement #womanspace #IsadoraGabrielleLeidenfrost #redtentmovie #anitadiamant...

Red Tent Rituals Falling Like Soft Grace over Women’s Lives
By Jayleigh Lewis February 2014 was another light traveling month for Isadora, filmmaker of the Red Tent Movie: Things We Don’t Talk...

By Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD One thing that the Red Tent has taught me is the importance of giving and receiving. In many of the...

Recent Screenings: From New York City to the Deep South
By Jayliegh Lewis As the days grew shorter and colder this November, Red Tent movie screenings created havens of warmth and community....

September Screenings in Southern, CA
By Jayleigh Lewis September was a busy month for the Red Tent movie, Things We Don’t Talk About; 17 screenings were held in a variety of...

Talking about the things we don’t talk about
By Hollie B. Republished with permission from Lunation You may know dear heart, that I hold Sacred Space with my SisStar Rachel each...

Video clip
#redtenttemplemovement #redtentdocumentary #IsadoraGabrielleLeidenfrost #redtentmovie #thingswedonttalkabout #videoofthemonthclub

Space to Heal : a view of the ‘Angry Women Energies’
by Hollie B. A few years ago my good friend Christiana Rose alerted me to an energy that she felt I needed to be aware of. She had met...

Share the trailer…
Watch the official trailer for “Things We Don’t Talk About” and please share it with your friends. #redtenttemplemovement...

“The Red Tent,” a song
Chorus: In the Red Tent (2x) I’m sitting with my sisters in the Red Tent. _____ It’s the tent of compassion Harmony and song, Dancing and...

A Red Tent Moment
By © 2011-2012 DeAnna L’am The ‘Red Tent’ hit a nerve. Publishe Any cycling woman knows the deep yearning for quietude during her Flow...

Why Women and Men need shared Sacred Space
By Hollie B. I’m tired of the reasoning : it was done in Matriarchal times. Well, You know what, it’s not matriarchal times anymore....

The Red Line
By Bethany Webster In my blood there is poetry In my blood are ancient stories You are there, too, my sister The red line all the way...

The Goddess of the Holy Rage
by Esther Moser Last Christmas didn’t really happen. I was in and out of hospital between mid December and beginning February, ending up...

Die Goettin der Heiligen Wut
by Esther Moser (English translation to follow in next blog post) Weihnachten letztes Jahr war kaum spuerbar fuer mich – Tage versunken...

The Spiral Within
By Charlotte Elaine From the earliest of our days we have been cradled by the rocking motion of the feminine. The vast prehistoric oceans...
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