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Join several million women who Love the movie!
The Red Tent Movie premiere’s in Colorado
by Jayleigh Lewis Women gathered to create Red Tent spaces in two locations in Colorado on July 20th and 21st 2013, hosting screenings of...
How Women hold Space for one another : Acknowledgment as an act of the Sacred
by Hollie B. I give thanks to my dear Sister who agreed to my sharing of this story. I have chosen not to use her name....
Video clip
#redtenttemplemovement #redtentdocumentary #IsadoraGabrielleLeidenfrost #redtentmovie #thingswedonttalkabout #videoofthemonthclub
Space to Heal : a view of the ‘Angry Women Energies’
by Hollie B. A few years ago my good friend Christiana Rose alerted me to an energy that she felt I needed to be aware of. She had met...
Share the trailer…
Watch the official trailer for “Things We Don’t Talk About” and please share it with your friends. #redtenttemplemovement...
The Goddess of the Holy Rage
by Esther Moser Last Christmas didn’t really happen. I was in and out of hospital between mid December and beginning February, ending up...
Die Goettin der Heiligen Wut
by Esther Moser (English translation to follow in next blog post) Weihnachten letztes Jahr war kaum spuerbar fuer mich – Tage versunken...
Mirror, Mirror…Do You See Me?
By Sharon Nesbit-Davis My mother didn’t change the furniture in her house. Once placed it stayed until they moved out over forty years...
Video of the month clip
#redtentmovieclip #redtentdocumentary #spokenword #redtentmovie #VenusZephyrFree
Video clip of the month
#ALisaStarkweather #redtenttemplemovement #redtentdocumentary #redtentmovie #redtentfilmmaker #IsadoraLeidenfrost #redtentmovieclips...
February Video Clip of the Month
#redtentdocumentary #redtentmovie #videoofthemonthclip #thingswedonttalkabout #redtent #redtentfilm
January Video of the Month Clip
#women #redtentdocumentary #redtentmovie #thingswedonttalkabout #menstruation #redtent #videoofthemonth
December Video of the Month Clip
#redtentmovieclip #redtentmovie #thingswedonttalkabout #redtent #redtenttemple #selfcare
“An Invitation”
by Laura Gail Come sister. Let us remove heart’s armoring and sit for a moment. No more sideways cutting glares of “back off bitch, the...
Miscarriage: The third time around. Such pain…
by Ellen DuBois on 09/04/11 Debbie says: I went to the ER for bleeding on Thursday evening (8/1/11) only to be told I was miscarrying and...
Bone Knowing: No Question
by Oceana Leblanc Something I know in my body has placed me around the picture that I witness being colored and splashed, and painted...
An Unconventional Red Tent
By Jayleigh On a warm weekend in July, a Red Tent was raised at the Culture Fest in Salem, MA. I attended for a few hours in support of...
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