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A story of Pregnancy & Death
I’m 24 weeks pregnant and it’s a girl! And she is living in the most fabulous Red Tent that I have ever created. The story of my...

El Movimiento de las Carpas Rojas
¿Cómo sería tener tu propia Carpa Roja de mujeres en tu comunidad? ¿Cómo sería si nuestras hijas fueran criadas esperando recibir algún...

Menstrual Hut and Moon Lodge History
Menstrual hut and moon lodge traditions show us that the Red Tent has a history: The idea of a separate women’s space or menstrual hut is...

The Red Tent Movement: A Historical Perspective
Have you ever wondered… What if you could have your own Red Tent of women in your community? What if our daughters were brought up to...

The Red Tent has a History, but what is it?
Join us in the virtual “Red Tent” for a special episode with Dr. Isadora on Red Tent TV. In today’s episode of Red Tent TV, I will give...

Learn the surprising history of the Red Tent
Have you ever wondered… What if you could have your own circle of women each month in a Red Tent in your neighborhood? What if our...

#TheRedTent has a history, but what is it?
The Red Tent Movement: A Historical Perspective by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD and ALisa Starkweather There are thousands of women...

The Red Tent Movie: Changing Women’s Lives for Two Years and Counting
by Jayleigh Lewis On September 15, 2014, the Red Tent movie, Things We Don’t Talk About, marked two years since its world premiere. In...

Red Tent Temple
Click here to watch the video on Youtube “Red Tent Temple” written by Marsia Shuron Harris for “Things We Don’t Talk About.” Performed by...

Video clip of the month
#ALisaStarkweather #redtenttemplemovement #redtentdocumentary #redtentmovie #redtentfilmmaker #IsadoraLeidenfrost #redtentmovieclips...
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