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How to Celebrate Menstruation
How would our world be different if girls were raised to honor their menstrual time? How would our world be different if our girls had...
Ways to honor your menstrual cycle in your Red Tent
by Jane Hardwicke Collings & Susan Stark This article is an excerpt from the eBook “How to Create a Red Tent” Keeping a monthly record of...
Hold Red Tents for women and girls
Are you ready to hold A RED TENT for WOMEN & GIRLS in Your Neighborhood? I want to let you know where you can learn exactly How To DO...
An invite to receive
What messages did your mother give you about being a Woman? What messages are you offering your daughter, or son, about being a Woman?...
Leah’s First Period Ceremony
by DeAnna L’am Leah called me to let me know she has just got her period! Being a heart-auntie to her I was delighted, and deeply touched...
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