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Les Choses dont on ne parle pas
“Les Choses dont on ne parle pas : histoires de femmes sous la tente rouge” est un documentaire innovant de 72 minutes, réalisé par le Dr...

What to feed women in your Red Tent
Are you starting your first Red Tent? Should you have food or not have food? Not sure what to feed the women? Do you want something...

My Mother Told Me…
What messages did your mother give you about being a Woman? What messages are you offering your daughter about being a Woman? What...

How to Celebrate Menstruation
How would our world be different if girls were raised to honor their menstrual time? How would our world be different if our girls had...

Menstrual Hut and Moon Lodge History
Menstrual hut and moon lodge traditions show us that the Red Tent has a history: The idea of a separate women’s space or menstrual hut is...

How I made my Red Tent
by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD I had a dream that I wanted every screening of “Things We Don’t Talk About” to be in a giant Red...

Sensuality, Pleasure, and A Woman’s Spiritual Fire
by Oceana Lablanc We don’t hear that much about sensuality or pleasure in the Red Tent Temple. Much of what is spoken is about suffering...

Red Tent Temple
Click here to watch the video on Youtube “Red Tent Temple” written by Marsia Shuron Harris for “Things We Don’t Talk About.” Performed by...

3 Ideas of how to care for each other in your Red Tent
Dr. Isadora offers a new video on how to care for each in your Red Tent. Click here to watch the video on YouTube or click the image...

3 self-care rituals to try in your Red Tent
#womensspirituality #WomensEmpowerment #women #redtenttemplemovement #womanspace #IsadoraGabrielleLeidenfrost #redtentmovie #anitadiamant...

Behind-the-Scenes Interview with the Red Tent Movie filmmaker
#womensspirituality #WomensEmpowerment #women #redtenttemplemovement #womanspace #IsadoraGabrielleLeidenfrost #redtentmovie #anitadiamant...

December Video of the Month Clip
#redtentmovieclip #redtentmovie #thingswedonttalkabout #redtent #redtenttemple #selfcare

“An Invitation”
by Laura Gail Come sister. Let us remove heart’s armoring and sit for a moment. No more sideways cutting glares of “back off bitch, the...

Red Tent Consciousness in Everyday Life
by Jayleigh To be in the Red Tent, even if only once, is to absorb an atmosphere of safety, daring, community, space and time to just be,...
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