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You Asked, I Answer: Infertility Questions
By Keiko Zoll (Hannah Wept, Sarah Laughed, August 27, 2011) Our Infertility Journey So Far Where are you on your infertility path right...
Our Red Tent Day Retreat
by Jessamina (Long Island, NY Red Tent Temple) Mmm, sweet decadence to be in the company of such beauty… A delightful afternoon was spent...
Miscarriage: The third time around. Such pain…
by Ellen DuBois on 09/04/11 Debbie says: I went to the ER for bleeding on Thursday evening (8/1/11) only to be told I was miscarrying and...
A Snap, then a Cackle and a Pop!
By Sharon Nesbit-Davis I celebrated my fifth decade by performing a one-woman show entitled “Mime in Mental Pause.” I wasn’t there yet....
Bone Knowing: No Question
by Oceana Leblanc Something I know in my body has placed me around the picture that I witness being colored and splashed, and painted...
by Prof. Janet C. Mendoza Stickmon, On paper and voicemails, I identify as a professor. Professional interactions–a professor. In the...
A Furious Woman
by Sarah Tyson Every woman that I have ever bared my soul to has been furious. Not in the angry, mean kind of way but in the intense...
An Unconventional Red Tent
By Jayleigh On a warm weekend in July, a Red Tent was raised at the Culture Fest in Salem, MA. I attended for a few hours in support of...
Is it a Place or a Space?
by Susan Eaton Mendenhall Where is ‘place’ within the spaces we live and see? Walls, streets, buildings give us place. Sky, fields, and...
Is the Red Tent for me?
By Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost It is eight p.m. on Saturday– time to enter the Red Tent. The rain and clouds add to the darkness soon...
Alignment and Attunement for the Crafty Creatrix
By Maati Everything is energy. All things are made up of cycles. I believe that because of the pure “awesomeness” of women we tend to get...
Red Tent Consciousness in Everyday Life
by Jayleigh To be in the Red Tent, even if only once, is to absorb an atmosphere of safety, daring, community, space and time to just be,...
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