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Join several million women who Love the movie!


Welcome, Red Tent Sister

Come, sit, and witness our stories.


An invite to receive

What messages did your mother give you about being a Woman?

What messages are you offering your daughter, or son, about being a Woman?

What legacy would you like to pass-on Today’s Girls?

I am sure that answers immediately spring from the depth of your womb… My friend and colleague, DeAnna L’am, has posed these questions to 28 luminary women leaders and invited them to inspire you with their answers! I am honored to be one of them, and join DeAnna in giving a gift to women worldwide! I invite you to RECEIVE…


DeAnna, fondly known as ‘A Womb-Visionary‘, has created one-of-a-kind offering for today’s women: Over the entire month of February, DeAnna will host the 2nd Annual Red Tents In Every Neighborhood ~ Global Summit:


And You are invited to FREELY join this Red Tent Feast!

To reserve your Free place – please click here

This is an invitation to listen to Womb Wisdom, to Honor Our Mothers, Ourselves, and Today’s Girls! This is an invitation to get Inspired by leading visionary women on the cutting edge of the New Consciousness Paradigm, from U.S.A, Spain, Austria, Italy, France, Ireland, India, Mexico, Chile, New Zealand and with Special Guest – MARIANNE WILLIAMSON!

We are committed to inspiring you with words, images & gifts:

  1. You will receive a daily link to an inspiring video that is sure to touch you to your depth…

  2. When you sign up, you will immediately receive DeAnna’s gift: the Red Tent Activation audio recording

  3. Each Video Presenter, including me, will offer you a special gift from her Treasure Box of womb wisdom!


 “A Mother-Daughter Interview in the Red Tent”

a New Video by Dr. Isadora Leidenfrost  and Teresa Moorehouse will be featured during the Summit.


Our FREE Global Summit will air February 1-28,

and you can watch it from the comfort of your home!


Once you have signed up you will also need to confirm your sign up by clicking a link in the email you receive (look in spam folder if you don’t see it, or if you’re a GMAIL user – look in your Promotion Tab)

Enjoy the Summit!

Please help us spread the word: forward this email to All your women friends – The time has come for Red Tents In Every Neighborhood!

#holdRedTentsintheircommunities #parenting #mothersanddaughters #mother #WhatlegacywouldyouliketopasstoTodaysGirls #HonorOurMothers #RedTentGlobalSummit #WomensEmpowerment #moontime #howtoraisestrongwomen #womensstories #motherhood #RedTentTV #beingaWoman #Menstrualrituals #OURDAUGHTERS #IsadoraLeidenfrost #RedTentsinEveryNeighborhood #MARIANNEWILLIAMSON #RedTents #selfacceptance #DeAnnaLam #howtocelebratemenstruation #daughters #celberatingmenstruation #RedMoonSchool #moontime #WombWisdom #aninterviewwithDrIsadora #mothersanddaughter #TeresaMoorehouse #WomenampGirls #howtoraisestrongdaughters #menstruation #redtent #mensturationceremonies #MenstrualMonday #OURSELVES #howtoteachourdaughtersdifferently #mothers #selfesteemtotheirdaughters #TheRedTent #RedMoon #RedTentDowntownSebastopol #GlobalSummit #messagesareyouofferingyourdaughter #redtentstory #motherdaughter #selfcare #SarahJosephaHale


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