by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD
My goal was to do 400 screenings of “Things We Don’t Talk About” in 2 years. I am more than half way there. We have done 282 screenings.
Over the recent holidays I had a major spiritual awakening as I lost my maternal grandmother. We were very close. Experiencing her death has influenced me in so many ways and it has shifted many of my personal and professional goals. I am re-evaluating what I want from my life and my desire to be of service to the world as a filmmaker feels very strong. I have been traveling & doing screenings of “Things We Don’t Talk About” for almost 16 months now. I am not sure where or when it will end, but I find so much value in doing what I do and creating the kind of world I want my friends to thrive in that I just keep moving forward.

I am currently organizing the next 8 months worth of screenings and I would love to work with you to bring a screening and a red tent to your community. Please email me at if you would like to co-host with me.