by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD
I’m so excited to tell you about my latest Red Tent adventure… my new eBook “How to Start a Red Tent.” As most of you know, I’ve been on tour with my Red Tent Movie for over 3 years and I’ve hosted over 1,000 Red Tents. So, now that I have retired from touring (as of Nov 1st, 2015) I decided to gather up all of my Red Tent knowledge and pass it along to you.
I am a very practical girl :). I am always curious about problem solving. Actually, it’s my #1 skill. And I’ve hosted Red Tents in so many different places that if I didn’t have this skill, my perfectionist nature would have driven me insane. Alas, I persevered. I would love pass along all of my tips & secrets on how to host a FABULOUS Red Tent. You can get your copy for $9.99 at:

I will teach you what to “do” in the Red Tent, how to make a Red Tent, how to lead a successful Red Tent, food & drink suggestions, how to promote your Red Tent, music for your Red Tent, and how to bring a Red Tent to a conference. I also offer extensive information and photos about the following:
Where to Host your Red Tent
When to Host your Red Tent
How I Made my Red Tent
How to Select Fabrics
How to Create your Red Tent
How to Hang your Fabrics
How to Create a Doorway
How to Create a Roof
How to Create an Altar
Sound helpful? Get your copy at:
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