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Mom-Centric Micro-Economy

by Tracee Sioux

Woe is me! What’s a mother to do in this world? With all of the economic disparity and the craptastic economy and the completely un-mom-friendly corporate culture that keeps us from our littles? Whether single or married, mothers are discriminated against and can’t seem to manage a work-life balance and score equality. This could destroy the family as we know it.

Meh. I call this the Mythology of Working Motherhood and frankly, I find it to be a complete load of crap.

With Anna Koclanes, a future momprenuer preparing to use her MBA to create a business that allows for fluidity between her home and business.

Corporate America can be a less-than-desirable way for women to work and mother and many companies are inflexible and dole out benefits about as freely as the pre-saved Scrooge. But, a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do, right?

Wrong. Here’s what I’m seeing. I’m seeing a Mom-Centric Micro-Economy emerge across America and beyond. It’s run by mother entrepreneurs who got tired of begging corporations to institute better policies. So. They Quit. They abandoned their careers in the traditional workplace. What was acceptable as single women—long hours, evenings and weekends, only average pay and benefits—quickly became completely unacceptable when Mama hormones kicked in.

These are smart women. Brilliant and creative women. They didn’t want to zone out in front of Barnie forever. They want brain candy, they want to express themselves. They want to use the freaking masters degree their still paying for in their monthly student loan payment. And they want to be there after school to take their kid to swim practice.

Rejecting the Either/Or choice that the media-ized Mommy Wars present as inevitable, these women have begun to do something revolutionary. They are inventing a new way of working that is fluid within their family lives. They launch companies using their gifts and talents. They schedule their business activities around their family activities.

It was slow-going at first. A struggle to figure it out. Most difficult when the littles are still at home pulling at your yoga pants, demanding attention. Still, they push on. Sending the invoices, scheduling the appointments, shipping the products. Business grows. They hire other mothers, other momprenuers, who work at home, brilliantly keeping their overhead low while stimulating the momconomy.

This is the path to economic power for mothers. It’s a compelling business model, which rewards mothers economically, while allowing them to Mom it Up! Controlled by neither corporate America or the government, the only limits on the business potential lie within the Mom herself. With potential unlimited, the Momprenuer is gaining clout, prestige and influence. Soon her demands will drive the rest of the country as more and more mothers realize that to control one’s own destiny truly is liberation that leads to economic stability. Young women, already, are watching the generation before them and preparing to follow suit—gaining experience and planning ahead for their own business ownership before the babies come along.

Power Up Momprenuers! This is how we save the world!


Reproduced with permission from

Tracee Sioux is a Law of Attraction Coach at Authentic Power Living, helping entrepreneurs manifest magic and attract miracles so they can Live on Purpose. Sign up for her newsletter at to receive a free ebook, 5 Steps to Creating a Dream Board that Really Works, contact her at

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