by Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel
The appeal of my inner winter
Last week I was waiting for my feminine cycle to start and I was doing my best to enjoy the end of my feminine autumn; at the same time I was really looking forward to experiencing my feminine winter. My winter inner season is the moment when I enjoy the most the connection with my soul and can experience delightful moments of inner peace and bliss. I have always appreciated the time of the month when I bleed, even when I was younger and unaware of my inner seasons and its different energies, but now that I am conscious of what happens to me every month on an energetic, emotional and psychological level, I wait for my winters with trepidation for all the goodies that come with it.
Last Thursday I could feel that my autumn was coming to an end and I could feel that it was a question of hours. I was calmly waiting for the moment of release and bliss that happens almost every month. As my awareness has developed so much these days, I can tell from so many physical signs that I am approaching the moment of my winter. It is such a joy to follow my body closely.
As my last days of autumn had been a bit agitated and intense, I was anticipating in my mind the wonderful moment of feeling liberated and released of the inner tension and being able to emotionally, psychologically and physically expand in my body and inner being. I can tell in the last hour or so that my mind becomes quieter and I start feeling more positive and calmer, as calm as I am after a two weeks’ holiday! When that happens I know that my only duty is paying close attention to everything that shows up in my mind, body and spirit especially in my dreams. It is like having an inner party where everything is allowed and I am the only participant where I can dictate my rules and have fun … I appreciate my time on my own even more than normal and feel sacred in a way that I don’t feel in any other time of the month. I become a goddess and respect my authority. My inner voice becomes very loud and assertive and I start having insight after insight after insight about myself, life, my relationships, my behaviour, my decisions, etc.
Out of space and time …
I like feeling spaced out and not totally connected with everybody around me and every day life. I allow myself to expand and experience a different dimension: my dimension! I do my best to listen to my body impulses and follow them, like eating, sleeping, resting, meditating and do certain activities that are more introspective like writing, walking in nature, being idle and allowing the mind to flow … One of the most nurturing thing for me is sitting in the sun and basking like a cat allowing all my muscles to relax feeling the warmth of the sun slowly going into my skin and body.
I love flying and this time is even more magical when I am in my winter, but I allow my partner to be the pilot in charge and fly me, so that I can enjoy the landscape and allow my spirit to expand and dream among the clouds! I have learnt to go with the flow of my winter and respect it, instead of being annoyed because I can’t remember things, words, I tend to be late, drop things and nothing seems to me to be so important any more. The biggest impact of my winter is on the first two days, then little by little it slowly finds its way out and I can feel my mind going back to normal and my body wanting to move more and be active again. Every winter has got its delights, gifts, lessons, insights, revelations, healing moments, new ideas and surprises.
The feminine winter, the apex of the feminine.
It is a time to be feminine, nurture myself, feed my body, love my being and listen to my spirit. It is a time to be receptive and still and allow the supra-natural to reveal itself with grace. It is a time to deepen my intimate relationship and allow my partner into my secrets and inner body in all senses. I can feel the power of the feminine energy, all its depth, truth, clarity and wisdom. So many nuances become evident and the inner landscape gets very colourful indeed. I am in my forties and am aware that my winters might start to be less frequent in the next few years, therefore I am cherishing them as best as I can, being thankful for the exquisite opportunity of being intimate with my soul and inner being. It is such a pleasure to be a woman and able to share my knowledge and experience with other women in my work as a Feminine Cycle Consultant and Women’s Coach. I feel a woman of the XXI century in total evolution, are you one of them too?
About the Author
Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel is an Author, Speaker and Feminine Cycle Consultant.
Gabriella was born in Italy and studied foreign languages at the University of Turin, her home city. She is a qualified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy and has travelled around Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Antarctica. She has recently published a book, “Antarctic Odyssey: a New Beginning”, about her adventures there. She is learning to fly gliders in order to gain a different perspective on the world and become a real ‘Flying Inspiration’! She is an author, speaker, visionary and coach who helps women to gain confidence, authority and fulfilment in life by knowing better their body. She also helps couples improve their relationship and find a more satisfying way to communicate to have better intimacy. Women often experience a loss of identity, lack of direction, disconnection from their body, lack of libido and intimacy with their partner and themselves at some stage of their lives. This can trigger physical problems like pms, cravings, mood swings, weight gain, low self esteem, lack of energy/libido, direction and cause relationship issues. In fact, our body is trying to get in contact with us through these symptoms which can create mental and emotional states that can be very challenging to say the least. Gabriella has a solution for all these problems and helps women to reconnect with their body and feminine cycle to improve the quality of their lives.
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