Have you ever wondered…
What if you could have your own Red Tent of women in your community?
What if our daughters were brought up to expect some kind of honoring when they had their first period?
What happens in our modern culture when we hold Red Tents for women?
Was there a Red Tent in history?
Where did this tradition come from?
Are you curious to know more…..?

The Red Tent Movement:
A Historical Perspective
an eBook/Audiobook
by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD and ALisa Starkweather
The Red Tent has a history, but what is it? There are thousands of women across the globe who are bringing forth their gifts as Red Tent leaders in their communities, but where did this tradition come from? “The Red Tent” was novel by Anita Diamant, published in 1997 that gave us a story of women who come together in a menstrual hut, known as the Red Tent. The Red Tent movement has a seventeen-year history, but connects to thousands of years of tradition of women honoring women and creating a world that embraces honesty, and respects for others, our daughters, and ourselves. We are in a new era of history. The healing of our planet is the priority of many committed visionaries. We understand that we are on a precipice and by building a woman-honoring culture we can create a huge paradigm shift one Red Tent at a time.

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