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#TheRedTent has a history, but what is it?

The Red Tent Movement:

A Historical Perspective

by Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD

and ALisa Starkweather

There are thousands of women across the globe who are bringing forth their gifts as Red Tent leaders in their communities. Women who are standing in their power are essential to shifting present paradigms; these pioneers are a balm to an ailing world. But after years of oppression, how do women rise up out of trauma to remember the beauty that lives at one’s core? How do we strip away that which prevents us from rising as wise female leaders? This reclamation work is what many are a part of because when we find our voices, our inspired action, and our needed vision then we stand a better chance at creating a world we can thrive in. And it is with this spirit that the Red Tent movement has flourished as a global phenomenon.

Most women have heard of the Red Tent because they read the book. The Red Tent was a novel by Anita Diamant, published in 1997 that gave us a story of women who come together in a menstrual hut, known as the Red Tent. In the story, Diamant retells the biblical rape story of Dinah. “The Rape of Dinah” (Genesis, chapter 34) was recounted not by Dinah, but by her brothers. Diamant provided a fictional feminist retelling of the tale, giving Dinah her own voice. The book is presented through Dinah’s eyes and those of the women around her. The story showed us how the women raised young daughters who were taught the secrets held for women by women through initiation, stories, and relationships. For many, the story resonated deeply and caused us to question if there was a place like this in our society.

Have you ever wondered…

What if you could have your own circle of women each month in a Red Tent in your neighborhood?

What if our daughters were brought up to expect some kind of honoring when they had their first period?

What happens in our modern culture when we hold Red Tents for women?

Are you curious to know…..?

#ALisaStarkweather #RedTentsintheBible #RedTentleaders #redtenttemplemovement #initiation #Arethereredtentsinhistory #LifetimeTV #TheRedTentMovement #TheHistoryoftheRedTentMovement #redtenteBook #IsadoraGabrielleLeidenfrost #WhathappensinourmodernculturewhenweholdRedTentsforwomen #anitadiamant #howdowomenriseupoutoftraumatorememberthebeautythatlivesatonescore #DrIsadora #moonlodge #TheRedTenthistory #TheRapeofDinah #wisefemaleleaders #TheRedTentbook #Genesis #redtentaudiobook #RedTentbible #Howdowestripawaythatwhichpreventsusfromrisingaswisefemaleleaders #TheRedTentaudiobook #WhatifyoucouldhaveyourowncircleofwomeneachmonthinaRedTentinyourneighborhood #TheRedTentnovel #AnitaDiamantTheRedTent #Whatifourdaughterswerebroughtuptoexpectsomekindofhonoringwhentheyhadtheirfirstperiod #AHistoricalPerspective #TheRedTent #LifetimeTheRedTent #chapter34 #redtenthistory #biblicalrapestoryofDinah #TheRedTent


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