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What if Every Woman…

What if…

Every woman spoke her truth no matter how painful?

Every woman spoke her truth without needing to be responsible for the reactions of others?

Every woman spoke her deep truths from her heart and womb?

Every woman stopped listening to the limiting beliefs passed down to her?

Every woman stopped trying to do it all or be it all?

Every woman stopped pretending that her needs do not matter?

Every woman left the thoughts that she is not good enough in the trash can at the curb?

Every woman left physically, mentally, emotionally abusive relationships?

Every woman left her unsatisfying, draining job?

Every woman paused long enough to be present with herself?

Every woman paused long enough to be present with her family? her children?

Every woman paused when she was called to pause, rest when she was called to rest?

Every woman remembered how perfect and amazing and creative she is?

Every woman remembered that she deserves every ounce of ecstatic pleasure possible in life?

Every woman remembered that she does not need to suffer in the pain of the past?

Every woman held hands with one another and supported one another?

Every woman held herself as the queen of her world?

Every woman held her womb, the creative center, as holy and sacred?

Every woman knew that she is capable of all this?

Every woman knew that she could heal herself?

Every woman knew she could do it?

What would our world look like?

This article was reproduced with permission from the author. To read the original article click here.

#Everywomanspokeherdeeptruthsfromherheartandwomb #celebratewomenshistorymonth #Everywomanstoppedpretendingthatherneedsdonotmatter #emotionalabusive #Everywomanheldherselfasthequeenofherworld #Everywomanspokehertruthnomatterhowpainful #Everywomanheldhandswithoneanotherandsupportedoneanother #Everywomanpausedwhenshewascalledtopause #Everywomanpausedlongenoughtobepresentwithherfamily #Everywomanknewthatshecouldhealherself #Everywomanstoppedlisteningtothelimitingbeliefspasseddowntoher #Everywomanspokehertruthwithoutneedingtoberesponsibleforthereactionsofothers #Everywomanrememberedthatshedeserveseveryounceofecstaticpleasurepossibleinlife #womenshistoy #Everywomanknewthatsheiscapableofallthis #holyandsacred #Everywomanpausedlongenoughtobepresentwithherself #HeleneRose #Everywomanheldherwomb #Everywomanrememberedthatshedoesnotneedtosufferinthepainofthepast #thecreativecenter #Everywomanstoppedtryingtodoitallorbeitall #Everywomanknewshecoulddoit #Everywomanleftthethoughtsthatsheisnotgoodenoughinthetrashcanatthecurb #Everywomanrememberedhowperfectandamazingandcreativesheis


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