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Why Women and Men need shared Sacred Space

By Hollie B.

I’m tired of the reasoning : it was done in Matriarchal times.

Well, You know what, it’s not matriarchal times anymore. Matriarchal means that Women are on top of the Heirarchy. I’m not interested in having anyone on top. Let’s try equal.

Let me say first, that I feel very strongly about Sacred Space for Women and acknowledge that there is a time and a Space for it. It is a must! Obviously, my Work almost exclusively involves Women’s Only Spaces. I can’t say whether Men need their own exclusive Sacred Space. I’m not a Man. I’m not going to speak for them. But if they want it, Yes, sure go and do it!

What I am talking about in this post is the need for shared Sacred Space as well.

For the past few years there has been major issues around the Australian Goddess Conference’s choice to include Men. I know right, where in the words ‘Australian Goddess Conference’ does it say ‘excludes men’? It doesn’t. The stories of Goddess in all cultures are not specific to Women. Goddesses are Cosmic Women with Universal stories. The lessons in any myth have as much to teach Men as they do Women. Myth is not relevant only to one lot of People. Myth is a story to inspire the Culture of the many.

But there has been a very loud contingent that have complained that Men don’t belong at the Australian Goddess Conference. And I disagree adamantly.

Sacred Spaces for Women exist all over Australia now. Red Tents have become more common. There are gatherings and get togethers and Circles of all kinds, specific to Women.  These are Power-full Spaces for healing and shifting and Being our individual Self.

The Goddess Conference has the ability to reach out to the greater public. It is a first time drop for many People. So far, You could count on two hands the number of men who have attended. But I bet You couldn’t put an evaluation on how much those small number of men received from being in the womb of the Divine Feminine. For that is what we create at the Goddess Conference : a Temple of Sacredness dedicated to the Divine Feminine – who exists in every aspect of our lives, although not always acknowledged.

I’m not suggesting that that pain is not Real. I’m not suggesting that it doesn’t matter. But I will say this. It is time we got over and let go of our wounds, and brought wholeness into our Ways of Being. Stop blaming all men for your grief. Let go. Forgive. Move on.

And there’s another side to things that seems to be avoided in these discussions: Men are grieving too. Men have pain associated with the patriarchy. There are men who feel the loss of separation from the Divine Mother. Who have never been supported in a nurturing Space with the Divine Feminine, able to acknowledge the loss and grief we have all suffered.

There are men who have witnessed abuse. There are men who have stopped it. There are men who nurture their families and might need support around how to hold the Sacred Space of their own families. There are men who wish to sing and drum to the Goddess to fill their Soul. There are men who are ready.

It is not for anyone to say when the Men are ready to come. Trust that the Men who are ready will come. Trust that it happens for a reason and that when we heal together, we are All healed so much faster. The Work of families healing together is Power-full ten-fold to the individual. This ripples straight out to community. That’s Real Transformation.

About the author:

Hollie B. is a Witch, Indigo Mama and Awesome Wife. She is a facilitator of Women’s Space with a focus on Being, rather than Doing. Her Work is Being the True Self, in order to Create the Sacred everyday, in simple Ways, in every area of Life.

At Lunation, Hollie offers the Clan Mother Journey Experience, an e’course for connecting to your own Truth, as a Cosmic Woman. She also facilitates Red Tent Experience in Canberra, Australia, and offers a variety of other courses and products. Find out more about Hollie B. and her Work at

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