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Red Tent TV



Helping you Create Red Tent Sisterhood

Red Tent TV is a free online television program featuring ideas from Dr. Isadora (the filmmaker) offering practical tips on how to start and build a fabulous Red Tent in your community.

How to Start a Red Tent

Starting a Red Tent is easy. In this video women from the film "Things We Don't Talk About" share their advice on how they started their Red Tent.

Creating a Red Tent in Your Home

Women feel strong and safe in the Red Tent, empowered and ready to be all we can be. Then, we return to our everyday lives and are sometimes challenged to hold on to these inner shifts. Can you relate? This video presents some simple but powerful ways to bring Red Tent consciousness home, so that wherever you are, whatever you are in the midst of, you'll know how to find your way to your sacred center.

How to create a Red Tent

Choosing Fabric for your Red Tent

Do you want to know what fabrics work great and what fabrics are total disasters? In this Red Tent TV episode Dr. Isadora gives you some tips and secrets on how to chose fabric for your Red Tent.

How to Make a Red Tent Doorway

What does every Red Tent need (besides incredible women)—a beautiful doorway inviting them in! In this very special episode of Red Tent TV, Dr. Isadora (the Red Tent Movie filmmaker) gives you a step-by-step guide on how she made her Red Tent doorway that she uses in her traveling Red Tent. This One-of-a-Kind item is sure to add splendor to your already amazing Red Tent and she’s going to give you all of her tips & secrets so you can create it yourself.

Red Tent Promotion

How to Promote your Red Tent

There are many ways to get the word out about your Red Tent. We believe that women will feel compelled to attend if it feels relevant, important and timely, and if it speaks to them. At any given time there will be many possible tie-ins to women’s lives and “hooks” for particular media outlets. Because a Red Tent is a woman-only space, your primary audience will be women.

Red Tent Recipes

What to feed women in your Red Tent

Are you starting your first Red Tent? Should you have food or not have food? Not sure what to feed the women? Do you want something hearty, but also gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, and vegan? We have the perfect recipe for you... Red Tent Cashew Chili. In this Red Tent TV video Dr. Isadora (who happens to be a great cook) shares a recipe that women LOVE & that she uses in her Red Tent.

Taboo Topics in the Red Tent

Let's Talk About Sex in the Red Tent

A very special Red Tent TV episode with Dr. Isadora and Oceana LaBlanc. In this video you get 3 ideas about how to talk about sex in the Red Tent.

What messages did your mother give you about being a Woman?

What messages did your mother give you about being a Woman? What messages are you offering your daughter about being a Woman? What legacy would you like to pass-on Today’s Girls?

How to Celebrate Menstruation in the Red Tent

How have you celebrated menstruation? Dr. Isadora offers a few ideas about how to menstruation in the Red Tent.

Menstrual Hut and Moon Lodge History

Menstrual hut and moon lodge traditions show us that the Red Tent has a history: The idea of a separate women’s space or menstrual hut is not a new idea. Anita Diamant claims that the Red Tent in her book was fictionalized, but is rooted in research from Africa. Menstrual hut and moon lodge traditions shape women’s understanding of the Red Tent as a women’s power space.

Red Tent Activities

Things to "do" in your Red Tent

Red Tent movie filmmaker, Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD gives 3 ideas of how to care for each other in your next Red Tent.

Self-care rituals in your Red Tent

Red Tent movie filmmaker, Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD gives 3 ideas for self-care rituals to try in your next Red Tent.

Dancing in the Red Tent

Join us...will you dance with us in this "virtual" Red Tent?

Try a Red Tent Moving Meditation

The Red Tent is a great place to get out of your head and into your body, and have fun doing it! Women in Red Tents have come up with some creative, often laughter-filled, ways to connect and express themselves (as you can see in the film). This video, on incorporating moving meditation into your Red Tent, encourages you to try a few things you might never have thought of to help bring you and your sisters home to your bodies.

Behind the Scenes of the Red Tent Movie

Behind the Scenes of the Red Tent Movie

Behind the Scenes Interview with Red Tent Movie filmmaker Isadora Leidenfrost, PhD

The Red Tent has a history, but what it is?

There are thousands of women across the globe who are bringing forth their gifts as Red Tent leaders in their communities. Women who are standing in their power are essential to shifting present paradigms; these pioneers are a balm to an ailing world. But after years of oppression, how do women rise up out of trauma to remember the ...

Red Tent Music

Music in your Red Tent

Red Tent movie filmmaker, Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD gives 3 ideas of how to incorporate music in your Red Tent.

"Rise Up" song from "Things We   Don't Talk About"

The song "Rise Up" shown in the video above is the in the opening sequence of "Things We Don't Talk About." It was sung by Mother Turtle and the women of the Baldwinville, MA Red Tent Temple during our filming. The video above includes an additional film score composed and produced by Ruth Mendelson.

"All We Need is Love" song from "Things We Don't Talk About"

"All We Need is Love" by Wendy Love is featured in the closing sequence of the film "Things We Don't Talk About."

"Red Tent Temple" song from "Things We Don't Talk About"

"Red Tent Temple" song by Mother Turtle from the red tent movie "Things We Don't Talk About."

"Sisters" song from "Things We Don't Talk About"

"Sisters," a song by Lisa and Brett Brumby performed in a Alisa Starkweather's Red Tent Temple in Baldwinville, MA for "Things We Don't Talk About."


To hear the whole 4 minute song or for more information about "Sisters" visit:

"Sacredness" song from "Things We Don't Talk About"

"Sacredness" by Shylah Ray Sunshine. This song is featured in the closing credits of the "Things We Don't Talk About."

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